About Tinytourists
Hello! If you like what you see and you'd like to send us a message, we'd love to hear from you at: hello@tinytourists.co.uk
Tiny Tourists aims to help parents pass on their passion for travel to their children; through innovative educational entertaining products, through inspirational family travel stories. We're all about inspiring and educating children about the world through family experiences - and making this as easy as possible.
Travel is a key time for children to spend with their parents – a break from the “hurry-up world”; a chance for building family bonds and an amazingly education-rich time through the experiences enjoyed together, observing and emulating life skills; problem solving, dealing with conflict, organising, asking questions and being inquisitive, planning ahead, adapting to change, keeping yourself safe, learning about differences and similarities in yourself and others, noticing wildlife and looking after the environment, being a world citizen, open to ideas and places and faces. Tinytourists aims to assist this amazing time for hands-on learning by providing some of the tools to make it easy. You find the fun and snap the job’s a game…
Our products
Our first products are books - paper, bound, old-fashioned books. They don't run out of battery, they "work" when you don't have WiFi, and you can keep them as a holiday keepsake forever. Hooray!
They're all carefully and thoughtfully linked to age-appropriate classroom learning, so without realising it when counting camembert cheeses your child is practicing their counting and number recognition skills, or when they're solving a puzzle to find an open ski lift, they're practicing their time-telling. Each book is individually themed to the country you are visiting - like an interactive immersive guidebook - learn facts along the way and pick up some key vocab too.
Our biggest passion is encouraging family travel and encouraging wanderlust, so check out our blog, Instagram and Facebook pages for articles and information we share that we think will do just that. Join us and please share your experiences and adventures too : )
#tinytourists #familyadventures #seeingisbelieving #familyholidays
#theworldisaclassroom #immersivelearning #worldschooling #wanderlust

Big mountain, Big courage.